Friday, February 11, 2011

English is Important

 Briefly, the article is about the importance of language to human beings. A language is the written and spoken methods of combining words to create meaning used by a particular group of people. There are also many theories and assumptions made by several groups regarding language. There are also many examples of written and spoken languages used by people around the world. In this article, it appoints the Indians, where they have mastered English language by their own ways. The Indians are respected by mastering in English language very well. The citizens and the leaders themselves have their own ways to make the Indians master this language. Indians are respectable for this and the other citizens are encouraged to follow them. English as the international language is important to be mastered by people throughout the world. It also stated some of the advantages of mastering English.

In my point of views, language is very important to human beings as it is the basic capacity for them. Without language, people cannot express their ideas and feelings. It is true that language is the code to express ourselves and communicate with other people. However, in my opinion, language is not only in written and spoken methods, it also can be conveyed through gestures or signs. Using face mimic or hands can also be considered as language as people will surely recognize those signs. As long as people can understand it, it can be considered as part of languages.

 As far as we know, English is the international language for people throughout the world. It is important for everyone to master it to make their communications better and easier. For instance, India had been ruled by the British for over two centuries and it gave them an easy access in mastering English language. Nowadays, many Indians are skilled as their authors and movie makers had received prizes and awards. On the other hand, our citizens still cannot master it completely. We share something in common with Indians, where we got the easy access in mastering this language. In my opinion, it is mainly because of our attitudes. Previously, our people did not accept British rules, and completely rejected them. Although the British had brought some benefits to us, we thought it as a misery for them and their generations. Eventually, we got nothing from it as we did not have the chance to learn. 

Fortunately, nowadays, there are some people who aware of this and intend to learn it. There are some people who make us proud such as our leaders. English is also our aid in commercial transactions throughout the globe. It is stated that English has brought laurels to many Indian business managers. Indians travel from North to South for education and business and use English as their language. Furthermore, the Minister of Indian Railways demands teaching of English in schools. Malaysians also had to follow these steps to increase the skill in using English. We have to bear in our mind that English poses no danger to Malay language, like to Indian languages. With English, we also can learn from others’ experiences. Moreover, we can use English to promote our worldview to others. The greatness of Indian view of religion had been accepted by the world. By mastering English, we can promote our view as well and be accepted by other people throughout the world. Then, it can be concluded that it does not require any further argument of the advantages of English at the international level. It has become increasingly essential for us as the medium of communication.

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